Subventions: EUIPO 2024


After another consecutive year, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), is once again opening a new call for applications for vouchers that allow access to partial reimbursement of fees related to trademark, design, patent and plant variety protection applications.

This initiative has been created to give a boost to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as to the self-employed, to help them manage their intellectual and industrial property assets.

What are the deadlines for applying?

The deadlines for applying for the grant started on 22 January 2024 and the EUIPO has set a deadline of 6 December 2024 or until the funds run out.

Please note that the funds are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so the earlier you apply, the more likely you are to benefit from the vouchers.

Who can benefit from the grant?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) established in the European Union, as well as natural persons or self-employed persons who can prove an economic and legitimate link to the activity they carry out are eligible.

What activities are eligible and what percentage of the fees are reimbursable?

Subvenciones: EUIPO 2024

What is the maximum amount I can get?

  • Trade mark and design voucher: 1000€.
  • Patent voucher: 3.500€
  • Voucher for plant variety protection: 1.500€.

Can I reapply for the grant if I have already benefited from it before?

Yes, you can apply for the grant again, even if you have received the grant in previous editions. It is an annual programme and therefore you only need to meet the requirements of the current programme.

Do you need help with your grant application?

Metricson can help you with the whole grant application procedure without you having to worry about anything.

For more information about this grant or the grant application process, please contact us here.

Article written by:

Estefanía Asensio - metricson Estefanía Asensio

Intellectual property and data protection lawyer

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    Responsable: Metricson S.L.P.U.
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