Galindo Sara

Sara Galindo

Administration department


With more than 10 years of experience in different sectors and functions, such as healthcare, logistics, administration; Sara has extensive experience in administrative management and logistics operations. Currently, she is fully dedicated to the financial and accounting side of technology companies and startups, as well as the back office of Metricson. Feedback, attitude, organisation and detail are four fundamental aspects of her way of working.


  • Higher Level Training Cycle (FPII) in Administration and Finance.
  • Higher Level Training Cycle (FPII) in Oral and Dental Hygiene.
  • Intermediate Level Training Cycle (FPI) in Nursing Assistant.
  • Approved qualifications related to logistics and health.

Languages: Spanish and Catalan.

About me

I consider myself as an extroverted and passionate person, somewhat competitive and ambitious when I feel like it or when I am interested in something. I am driven by my interests, as I like to explore and get to know. I love nature and I enjoy being in company, although sometimes I like to disconnect with myself. I love animals, outdoor sports, especially skiing, swimming and paddle sports (tennis, table tennis, beach tennis). I also enjoy hiking, and something I’m also passionate about is motoring and driving. I like a challenge and letting myself go!

Talk with us

958 558 442


Tuset, 19 - 2º, 3ª
08006 Barcelona
931 594 620

Javier Ferrero 10,
28002 Madrid
918 228 031

Paseo de Ruzafa 11, 6º, 12ª
46002 Valencia
960 500 761

Av. de la República Argentina, 25
41011 Sevilla

    Responsable: Metricson S.L.P.U.
    · Finalidad: Resolver tu petición o duda.
    · Legitimación:  Interés legítimo en responder cualquier cuestión planteada por ti.
    · Destinatarios: Prestadores de servicios tecnológicos, como encargados del tratamiento, que seguirán siempre nuestras instrucciones.
    · Derechos: Puedes acceder, rectificar, suprimir o solicitar la portabilidad de tus datos personales, así como oponerte o limitar el tratamiento de los mismos dirigiéndote a