Sara Hervías Metricson

Sara Hervías Costa

Lawyer - Privacy and Technology Contracts


Sara has been working for 4 years advising companies in different sectors, nationally and internationally, in the field of privacy, information security and providing her services as DPO. She is characterised by always focusing on the client's needs.


  • Graduate in Law from the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón.
  • Master’s Degree in Law from the International University of La Rioja.
  • Master’s Degree in Intellectual Property and New Technologies Law from the International University of La Rioja.


Languages: Spanish, Valencian and English.

Area of expertise

About me

I am an active and determined person, constantly challenging myself and trying to improve myself. Apart from my professional life, this is reflected in my passion for dancing, with which I have even competed, and in other sporting activities that I share with my family and friends. And if I can do all this outdoors, so much the better.

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Talk with us

958 558 442


Tuset, 19 - 2º, 3ª
08006 Barcelona
931 594 620

Javier Ferrero 10,
28002 Madrid
918 228 031

Paseo de Ruzafa 11, 6º, 12ª
46002 Valencia
960 500 761

Av. de la República Argentina, 25
41011 Sevilla

    Responsable: Metricson S.L.P.U.
    · Finalidad: Resolver tu petición o duda.
    · Legitimación:  Interés legítimo en responder cualquier cuestión planteada por ti.
    · Destinatarios: Prestadores de servicios tecnológicos, como encargados del tratamiento, que seguirán siempre nuestras instrucciones.
    · Derechos: Puedes acceder, rectificar, suprimir o solicitar la portabilidad de tus datos personales, así como oponerte o limitar el tratamiento de los mismos dirigiéndote a