WIPO’s latest steps towards a more responsible use of Generative AI


In recent days , the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has launched a manual on the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), with the aim of helping companies and entities to understand the possible risks associated with its use in the field of intellectual property, as well as to establish protection measures to mitigate them.

Estefanía Asensio, an expert lawyer in intellectual and industrial property, online reputation and privacy at Metricson, tells us, by way of summary, which are the measures established by the WIPO to promote a more responsible use of AI.

Measures for a more responsible use of AI

The main measures to be taken into account are:

  • Implementing responsible use policies, as well as training staff on the use of these tools;
  • Avoiding the use of confidential information and/or content protected by intellectual property rights;
  • Avoiding tools that use the image and voice of people without having obtained the necessary consent or authorisation.
  • Carry out reviews of applicable regulations and jurisprudence;
  • Evaluate, prior to use, the AI tools to be used and determine what impact it would have on the entity;
  • Establish a list of suitable or prohibited tools by the organisation;
  • Examine the data set to be trained by the AI, always taking into account intellectual property ownership and licensing coverage;
  • Establish contracts that show who owns the ownership of the products;
  • Document the role of the human in the creation process;
  • Maintain records documenting how the AI model was trained.

It is evident that the use of AI tools brings great benefits to companies and organisations, as it allows the automation, control and optimisation of processes, helps reduce human errors, increases productivity and quality of products and/or services, improves decision-making, among others.

However, the use of AI tools must always be accompanied by regulatory compliance, as well as preventive and corrective measures to mitigate possible infringements of rights due to their use.

You can find more information in the opinion article ‘Generative AI and intellectual property: measures for a responsible use’ that we have published in El Referente, by clicking here.

As experts in privacy, at Metricson we have lawyers specialised in Artificial Intelligence who will be able to advise you on regulatory compliance so that you can operate with full legal certainty.

Article written by:

Estefanía Asensio - metricson Estefanía Asensio

Intellectual property and data protection lawyer


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