+20 syndicated partners

+20 joint account contracts

Controlled cap table

The challenge

The incorporation of the company generated a lot of interest in the market, which was attended by a large number of potential investors, including many business angels linked to the entrepreneurial team. The main challenge was to maintain a controlled and balanced cap table, allowing the entry of a large number of private investors.

About the client

Yaba acquires online businesses and leverages the most advanced online marketing and operations techniques to grow them rapidly.


The approach

We proposed a structure of joint venture contracts, syndicated within a special purpose vehicle (SPV), which was to be set up and operational within a few days, in order to accompany the initial round.

The outcome

The design of the procedure, data collection and execution of the operation allowed us to carry out this syndicated investment in less than a week, without affecting the company's cap table.

David Baratech - Co-Ceo Yaba

Metricson’s advice was instrumental in structuring and securing YABA’s early investment.

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Tuset, 19 - 2º, 3ª
08006 Barcelona
931 594 620

Javier Ferrero 10,
28002 Madrid
918 228 031

Paseo de Ruzafa 11, 6º, 12ª
46002 Valencia
960 500 761

Av. de la República Argentina, 25
41011 Sevilla