Logo metricson people

Comprehensive employment consultancy for companies

The best labour management for the best team in the world. Yours. 


Payroll, contracts, benefits, Social Security.

We take care of everything

In-house technology to keep things running smoothly. 


Global support. Wherever your team is.

We make it easy for you.

Metricson people has an experienced professional team, supported by cutting edge technology, so that you pay just enough to have the best employment service, always available.

Our services


Calculation and preparation of pay slips, deductions, bonuses, extra pays and settlements, generation of the file for the bank charge.


Processing of sick leave, confirmation and discharge certificates before the INSS (National Social Security Institute) or the Mutual Workplace Insurance Company.

Employment contracts

Preparation of employment contracts and registration with the Public Employment Service (SEPE).



Registration and deregistration in the general and special Social Security regime.

Variations in working hours or types of contracts.



Calculation and presentation of the company’s employees’ contributions.

Flexible remuneration

We help you to integrate flexible remuneration with your company’s labour management.

Labour audits

Advice and support in the event of labour audits by preparing the required documentation and advising on how to proceed.

Labour disputes

Assistance in mediation and resolution of labour disputes, including representation before the Labour Inspectorate if necessary.

How do we work in Metricson people?

You will have at your disposal a great team of professionals and the best technology to provide you with the comprehensive service you need for your company.


Access to our online portal with all the information at your disposal 24/7, direct communication with your advisor and integration with HR management systems.


Digital signature for all contracts and employment documents.

Fast and efficient – don’t waste time!


You will work with a (very) professional team. An employment and HR advisor for all your queries. You no longer have to choose between an experienced manager and the best software on the market: we give you everything.


Quick and easy handover. We help you to make the transfer of your old agency quick, simple and painless. It has never been so easy to change advisor.

Tabla metricson people

Metricson People combines personalised attention with automation, offering solutions adapted to the type of company and reducing the response time for companies that need agility and security in equal measure.

Talk with us

958 558 442


Tuset, 19 - 2º, 3ª
08006 Barcelona
931 594 620

Javier Ferrero 10,
28002 Madrid

Paseo de Ruzafa 11, 6º, 12ª
46002 Valencia
960 500 761

Av. de la República Argentina, 25
41011 Sevilla

    Responsable: Metricson S.L.P.U.
    · Finalidad: Resolver tu petición o duda.
    · Legitimación:  Interés legítimo en responder cualquier cuestión planteada por ti.
    · Destinatarios: Prestadores de servicios tecnológicos, como encargados del tratamiento, que seguirán siempre nuestras instrucciones.
    · Derechos: Puedes acceder, rectificar, suprimir o solicitar la portabilidad de tus datos personales, así como oponerte o limitar el tratamiento de los mismos dirigiéndote a privacy@metricson.com.