This guide on “Data protection and labour relations”, produced by the AEPD, establishes a series of guidelines and recommendations for those responsible for and in charge of the processing of personal data in the work environment.

The aim of this guide is to serve as a practical and advisory tool to facilitate compliance with current data protection regulations for public organisations and private companies (data controllers and data processors).

Although this guide is not binding, it establishes a series of guidelines and recommendations that should be taken into account by the different actors who process personal data in work environments.

In the first instance, the guide deals with general aspects of data protection in the workplace and, subsequently, it divides into specific sections the different phases of employment relationships. In particular, it divides these sections into the following phases:

  • Selection and recruitment
  • Development of the employment relationship
  • Monitoring of the employment activity
  • Unitary and trade union representation of employees
  • Health surveillance


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