Jordi Linares

Jordi Linares

Of Counsel. Director of Litigation area


Jordi began his professional career in 2001 in a law firm in Alicante and later founded a startup of legal services and new technologies. Since 2004 he has been working as a lawyer in various areas of law, with extensive procedural experience. He has taught courses at the UPV and has actively participated in conferences and lectures on legal matters.


  • Law Degree Alicante University
  • Legal Practice School ICA Alcoy
Languages: Spanish, English and Italian

Area of expertise

About me

I am passionate about classic motorbikes, I enjoy cooking for my family, sport is better if it is in contact with nature and my greatest treasure is my family. Every day is a challenge and a gift.

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958 558 442


Tuset, 19 - 2º, 3ª
08006 Barcelona
931 594 620

Javier Ferrero 10,
28002 Madrid
918 228 031

Paseo de Ruzafa 11, 6º, 12ª
46002 Valencia
960 500 761

Av. de la República Argentina, 25
41011 Sevilla

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